
Happy World Down Syndrome Day!

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Next Wednesday is World Down Syndrome Day. Yes, we're a little early. But I wanted to let everyone know that this Sunday, March 18th, an amazing group I'm part of (21 Strong of Fairfield County) is hosting their second annual World Down Syndrome Day Celebration from 2-4 pm at the New Canaan YMCA. There will be lots of fun family activities including music, art, a bouncing bears gym (!!!) and a karate demonstration.

Us Sklars

really like a good party, so we'll be there! (except maybe for Geoffrey, since it's his naptime.)

And on another, also exciting note....

Jo Jo is in the April issue of Ladies Home Journal!

You can read about her here.

But I encourage everyone to run out and pick up an issue--the photos of her are just breathtaking. Plus the magazine has been completely redesigned and looks amazing.

A huge thank you to the editors of Ladies Home Journal (including the awesome editor-in-chief and my former boss, Sally Lee) for raising awareness about Down Syndrome! Hopefully the pictures of my pretty princess will help people realize kids with Down Syndrome are more alike than different.

I've been remiss about posting lately. I've just really started magazine writing again and trying to find a balance with the whole work/family thing is always a struggle. But the blog posts will start up again soon.

But in the meantime, we've been having lots and lots of good times.